2020. 3. 5. 13:54ㆍ카테고리 없음
Iron deficiency anaemia is a public health problem that affects all age groups. In Mexico, it is a common cause of morbidity, and accounts for 50% of cases of anaemia worldwide.
Caso Clinico De Anemia Por Deficiencia De Hierro Pdf De
It is more prevalent during the first 2 years of life, during adolescence and pregnancy. It is characterised by fatigue, weakness, pallor and koilonychia. Treatment is based on dietary recommendations and oral and intravenous iron supplements.
In this review article, we summarise the characteristics of iron efficiency anaemia, its metabolism, epidemiology, symptoms and diagnosis, and explore different therapeutic approaches.
Pica is an eating disorder characterized by the compulsive eating of substances that are inappropriate for consumption such as earth, chalk, plaster, paper, ice and other non-nutritious substances. Pagophagia (the consumption of ice) and geophagia (the consumption of soil compounds) are the most common forms of pica, which have often been associated with cases of iron deficiency and ferropenic anaemia. In this article, a description is given of the case of a woman submitted to a gastric bypass (GBP) with ferropenic anaemia who has an uncontrollable desire to eat ice (pagophagia) and an urge to smell and eat damp earth, which are secondary to the iron deficiency.
After the anaemia is correctly treated (intravenous iron), the patient's eating disorders are resolved. This clinical case illustrates the importance of the early detection of pica in this type of patients to prevent irreversible dental and intestinal lesions. Previous article in issue. Next article in issue.